
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
A Dad's Journey to Raising a Flame Thrower with The Pitching Ninja Rob Friedman
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Today's Guest is Rob Friedman, better known to many as Twitter's Pitching Ninja!
Rob not only has one of the top (if not THE top) baseball accounts on Twitter, which is referenced NIGHTLY by top MLB pitchers...
...but Rob has also raised his own son to become one of the top pitching prospects in the state of Georgia.
So throughout the father/son baseball journey, Rob dove DEEP into the mechanics of pitching and visited the top pitching coaches/schools in the country and has a VERY strong understanding of what is important and what is not when it comes to throwing a baseball well.
In this episode you'll hear Rob discuss: why pitching lessons can hinder a young player, what young pitchers SHOULD be focusing on, the pitfalls of video and what you must take VERY seriously if your player is serious about playing in college/pro ball (this was not what I had expected him to say!)
And if you enjoyed the episode please subscribe & leave a review on iTunes...those a pretty helpful to spread the message and I'd appreciate it!
Go get em today!!!

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
How to actually FEEL confident on the diamond with Hannah Thurley
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Former softball player and current Mental Skills Coach for the Philadelphia Phillies Hannah Huesman joins us today to share on our favorite topic: CONFIDENCE.
Hannah shares with us the secret in what we should base our confidence in (hint: it's not our talent), the one common habit that is CRUSHING performance, and the one natural function we can focus on that can stop negative thinking on a dime.
I really enjoyed this conversation with Hannah, she does an awesome job of connecting the dots without getting too clinical or scientific.
Check it out and let me know what you think!

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Why you should never ice your arm with Gary Reinl
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
If something hurts....you put ice on it right?
Well according to author/researcher Gary Reinl, nothing could be further from the truth.
In this episode, Gary shares how the RICE protocol (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate) came about...
...why a growing number of professional teams (across baseball, hockey, soccer, and more) have adopted his technique to help with true HEALING of the muscles.
I think you will find this one fascinating.
And if you enjoyed it, be sure to leave a review on iTunes...that sure helps me out :)

Friday Oct 20, 2017
Death to Towel Drills with Jeff Bajenaru
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
In today's talk with Jeff Bajenaru (Badge-in-arrow) we cover a wide number of topics. Jeff has spent the last seven seasons as a pitching coach in the Arizona Diamondbacks organization, the last two with the Visalia Rawhide where he was just recently named the Cal League Coach of the Year.
He also spent 7 seasons as a player in the White Sox organization, two in the Major Leagues.
Jeff shares the hilariously creative way he was able to break into professional baseball as an instructor, and why he hates the towel drill (and what to do instead) and his take on the most under used and under practiced pitch in the game - the high fastball.
To stay up to date on The Baseball Notes Podcast, subscribe at Itunes and check out more on @baseballnotes on Facebook and Instagram and at our site at www.baseballnotes.co.
There's a lot to learn in this episode, enjoy the show!!

Monday Oct 02, 2017
Monday Oct 02, 2017
In this episode, I talk with Garth Iorg about the difference makers in his successful 9 year big league career, and also what he's seen in his coaching career that has separated guys who have had long big league careers from the guys who flamed out.....and spoiler alert it's not talent!
Just a great talk with Garth, in this conversation we cover:
(5:15) The problem with how we teach US players how to field a ground ball.
(7:10) His favorite infield drill
(9:26) Why good infielders play more on their *heels*
(13:09) When to use 1 hand
(18:49) What Garth was thinking about up at the plate for his approach
(20:41) The very best approach he's ever heard (applied by Todd Helton and Lance Berkman)
(26:20) The one thing he'd go back and change if he had a do-over
(28:35) What MLB players do differently from those who don't make it
(30:45) Should you hold your son back during youth baseball?
(32:24) Not "dogging" your players
For more content or if I can help you with a question, please check out www.baseballnotes.co and the Baseball Notes Facebook Page
Thanks for stopping in, good luck and God bless!