
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Why Your Kid Will Get Released In A-Ball
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Fantastic interview with Nate Trosky of Trosky Baseball. In this episode, Nate shares from his VAST experience in global baseball what we American's are doing poorly when it comes to training our baseball players. Over the course of the interview Nate shares how America is training A-ballers - not big leaguers, the simple drill for teaching NATURAL infield movements, the secret to separating yourself from and above other good hitters and how Nate trains his two (D1 commit) nephews every day. You're not going to want to miss this!

Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Wednesday Dec 04, 2019
Coach Jason Ferber (@coachferber on IG) is one of the most popular baseball personalities in the game today and has extensive experience with the college recruiting process, having helped guide 100's of HS ballplayers to all levels of college ball and is a WEALTH of knowledge & today shares with us:
- If specializing in one sport vs Multi sport seems to have any success patterns at his level
- The biggest separator of young athletes (hint: it's not skill or even mental)
- The biggest mistake and money grab that parents run into
- Where to start when compiling a college wish list
- The biggest opportunity for HS players to stand out to college coaches today
...and much more.
This was one of my favorite interviews so far, so insightful. Let me or coach Ferb know if you have any questions. Hope you enjoy! Go get em!

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Today's guest: Joey Myers from Hittingperformancelab.com. Joey has over 15 years in the corrective fitness field and uses tested and proven human movement principles to maximize a young hitter's strength and potential at the plate. Lots of great info in here: How springy fascia can be used to catapult the body into action, What movement will remove the 'governor' on the body to allow it to move more powerfully, and how a simple change in hand pressure on the grip can fix one of the swing's most common and brutal flaws.
Enjoy, and check out Joey at www.hittingperformancelab.com

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Episode 12 - Ask Coach Clint - Tryouts!
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
In this episode, we discuss all things tryouts:
When/If you should leave your current team, setting your family priorities, The 1 thing you must remind your player before tryouts, what to wear to catch the coach's eye and Clint's scientific method for finding your true feelings on decisions you can't decide on.

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Episode 11 - Feeling the flow and tuning out the "drama" - Part 2 with Alan Jaeger
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Part 2 of our conversation with Alan Jaeger. Alan's background in yoga is apparent in this episode, as he talks about finding the "zone" or the "flow" and how simple breathing exercises can help tune out the "drama" that any moment can bring. Be sure to follow him at @jaegersports on twitter! Good vibes sent your way

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Volume is King - Why Throwing MORE will improve arm condition with Alan Jaeger (Part 1)
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Jaeger Sports founder (J Bands!) Alan Jaeger joins us to discuss arm care, prehab vs rehab, the most common mistakes pitchers/throwers are making today, and the phenomenal long toss habit - that I had never encountered before - which builds arm strength, endurance and feel.
One of the most genuine people in the game, enjoy this talk with Alan Jaeger!

Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Troy Silva is a former professional baseball player with one of the most followed baseball accounts on twitter (@troypsilva), and today Troy shares EXACTLY what you should be working on to hit better in games, some of the most overused buzzwords he hears today and also how his faith has shaped him during his playing and now coaching career.

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Introducing: Steve Springer of Quality At Bats.
Steve is a former Major Leaguer, big league scout and mental skills coach for the Toronto Blue Jays...
...and in my opinion one of the very best voices baseball has today.
Steve has a powerful (and important) message to share with your player, whether it be on how to "Hunt Speeds", "Opening Day Mentality" or just his story of perseverance from a lifelong benchwarmer/1b coach to a MLB player, you're really going to enjoy one of the best/most genuine teachers we have today.
PS. If you get a minute, leave us a review on iTunes/Spotify...I'm told that helps quite a bit :)
Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Episode 7 - How to Build the 95 MPH Body with Ben Brewster
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
In today's episode we are fortunate to have Ben Brewster from Tread Athletics.
Ben wrote "Building The 95MPH Body" and is one of the most sought after pitching-development coaches in the country.
As a former pitcher with degrees in exercise science, Ben has relentlessly challenged convention and went through the Try/Fail cycle more times than most - and through that experience has uncovered the key elements that TRULY contribute to a player improving velocity.
Today you'll learn:
-How Ben transformed himself from the worst player on his HS Freshman team to a professional pitcher.
-How velocity is NOT only for those who are gifted with it.
-What "Getting into your legs" actually means
-Why nutrition is an ENORMOUS factor in a pitcher's development.
-How strength training alone can correct mechanical flaws
...and much more.
Ben is a budding superstar in the pitching field, so be sure to check him out at www.twitter.com/treadathletics
And if you enjoyed the episode go ahead and give it a good review on iTunes, that always helps us out :) !
Go get em today!

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Taking a minute to answer some listener questions!
Topics include:
How to deal with toxic teammates
How a RH dominant kid who hits LH can improve their power
...and how to motivate your kid to work harder at their craft
(disclaimer: the last answer was a bit off the wall....but I think there's truth there)
And if you get a minute, please leave a review on iTunes! Go get em today!